Sunday, 22 July 2012

To my dear critics

Mentality levels of the critics

I don't mind when someone comes on character assassination when he does not
find a logical answer to some valid point. The most favorite gaali of our so-called educated, religious minded mediocre is to accuse someone of being an agent of
America, Jews, RSS or BJP. The next level is of those who do not want to read but worship their wishful thinking as Quran delineates و منھم امیون لا یعلمون الکتاب الا امانی" ۔ they are emotional and confident of their ignorance. They imdtly start issuing the Fatwas on opponent as being "Wahabi, Deobandi, Barelwi, Parwezi, Qadiyani, Motezela, Khawarij etc". These two levels are still tolerable as they rely on their own pseudo-intellect but the next level is really dangerous.

And that is of those critics who have mortgaged their knowledge, senses and faith to their Jamaat, Maslak, Murshid, Naazim, Ameer, Ustaad, Buzurg and Akaabereen like the Quran delineates "واتخدوا احبارھم و رھبانہم اربابا من دون اللہ" ِif their Gurus preach them that x,y, z is wrong, these people will not use their senses to read or talk or understand, they will go on condemning whom their Gurus have condemned. 

The next level is of violence. The philosophy of violence is that when the man does not have capacity or quality or ability to convince with well studied, truthful argument & proof, he seeks the short cut of violence to silence the opponents. This is human psychology. It is not that it is found only in RSS or Shiv Sena etc. This is found abundantly in our people too. From small pity differences of Fateha & loudly aameen to the highly political Talibanic issues, people do not hesitate to kill not only the character but also the person without any hesitation as they are taught that to humiliate, degrade and even kill even if he is your brother is Jihad. If we go thru the history and count how many of us have been killed on the issues of Fiqh, Aqaaed, Rituals, Race, Language. region and religion we come to know that the number of Muslims died at the hands of their own brothers is more than at the hands of anti-Muslims. 

The worst of all the critics are those who see someone fighting alone for the right cause but they maintain a sort of status quo. They don't want to support the right neither they want to condemn the wrong. They meet with smiling face and shake hands with both and pretend to be moderate, compromising and soft. They feel safe in being a silent spectator. They do want to see a change or revolution in the society but without putting themselves in any trouble. Quran has quoted examples of many such hypocrites who do not rise to the occasion but come later as if the biggest sympathizers. 

There is a good story that tells how to face the critics coolly. Once a king went out for hunting. He lost his way and parted from his companions. All the people began running in search of him in the forest. One of his slave passed by a blind sitting near a cave. He addressed the blind and said: "O blind, did you feel anyone passing thru this way? "
The blind said "NO"
After a while, another Wazeer passed thru the same blind person and asked" Soofi ji, did you feel any person passing thru this way?"
The blind said "No"
After a while, the King himself passed thru that way and found the blind person. He asked him "Shah ji did you notice anyone passing thru this way?
The blind man said : "Yes, there were two men before you. one of them was your slave or servant. another was some respectable person of your court. You are the third Shah yourself".
The Shah was very astonished. He asked him how could he recognize all while he is a blind.
The blind man answered: "The one who addressed me as "O blind", belong to a low class-mentality who does not know how to address with respect.
The one who addressed to me by "Soofi ji", must be a respectable person of your court, therefore he knew how to give respect to others.
and then, third, your are Shah yourself. You addressed me as "Shah ji". A Shah recognizes the other Shah".

The lesson is that whoever criticizes you, before taking it serious, you have to think what class the critic belongs to. If he does not belong to your class, then to respond to him is your own mistake. You need not come down to his level but let him come up to meet your level. Otherwise you will humiliate yourself.

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