A humble request to Ahle Hadees brothers
I am shocked to see an invitation to attend a prog in a Jeddah mosque on 15th June.
I am shocked to see an invitation to attend a prog in a Jeddah mosque on 15th June.
The topic announced is ""Tableeghee Jamat Kee Gumrahiyan". Ahle Hadees and
Tableeghi both Jamaats are dearer to us. Alhamdulillah, thousands of people came
close to Tawheed and Sunnah due to their hard work. Both Jamaats have literature
full of inspiration and enhances love for Islam. Incidentally, both Jamaats were established,
of course not by the Prophet SAWS, but by the God fearing sages. Incidentally,
these sages were human beings, not the angels, therefore, there are shortcomings and
mistakes too in both concepts. As the Prophet SAWS says:"A Muslim is that from whom
other Muslim's life and respect is safe". Appreciating other Jamaat's good deeds will
restore the confidence of the people in both the Jamaats but if one Jamaat starts condemning
other Jamaat, the trust and confidence of the people will be away from both the Jamaats.
If one Jamaat will speak openly about the Gumrahiyan of other Jamaat, the other Jamaat too
will retaliate. This will split the Ummat. Accepting others with their mistakes and bring
them close will rectify the mistakes. By tearing away other's respect will tear away your
respect too.
In Short, Whether it is Ahle Hadees or Tableeghi, we respect them equally and we love them
In Short, Whether it is Ahle Hadees or Tableeghi, we respect them equally and we love them
as both are playing their role in the Dawah work. Pls continue Dawa work and bring those
who are not close to Islam. instead, if you will debar those who are already in Islam, it is
very disturbing.
We often come across such scenes in Tableeghi Jamaat and other Jamaats too when they
We often come across such scenes in Tableeghi Jamaat and other Jamaats too when they
spit venom against Ahle Hadees. I tell them the same thing that Ahle Hadees is pure on
Tawheed, we should not disregard their services towards Islam.
My humble request to you is that both are like my true brothers. If one brother condemns
My humble request to you is that both are like my true brothers. If one brother condemns
the other, it upsets me. Therefore, for the sake of those who love Ahle Hadees like me,
please change the topic as this will increase the distance and hatred instead of creating
love for each other.
and also, I request my Tableeghi brothers as well as other Jamaat brothers never to
and also, I request my Tableeghi brothers as well as other Jamaat brothers never to
condemn Ahle Hadees or anyone. The percentage of the people who are under the influence
of various Deeni Jamaats is hardly 10% . 90% of the Muslim Ummat is far away from Islam.
Why not we work hard to bring those 90% close to Islam instead of splitting away the minority of 10%?
I hope my Ahle Hadees brothers will change the topic and Tableeghi brothers too will join
I hope my Ahle Hadees brothers will change the topic and Tableeghi brothers too will join
the prog to support each other for the sake of unity.
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